30 odd days in pictures
A few photos selected almost at random from the the time since my last post.
This is Dave Say, the musical genius behind the success of Benway’s Deathbed which otherwise would have remained a minor question mark in the pantheon of cinema so underground even the director never saw it, shot in his backyard after working his smoke and mirrors magic.
Spygirl doesn’t smoke, not this shit anyway, but I’m one of those people that finds cigarettes photogenic so made her pose with the smoke I had going at the time.
James Danderfer or, as I call him, Jim Dandy, lives in Shanghai. A young man who plays clarinet like an old man, which is a compliment of the highest order.
I know what you’re thinking . . . does this guy know anyone but musicians? Well, why would I? Bill Coon plays guitar and also is one of my greatest friends. I mean he immortalized me after all. See Libation with Nation Listen to Libation with Nation.
Charlie’s getting big, huh? They’ll do that. Johanna hasn’t grown much lately, except more beautiful.
Here are three in a row featuring David “Fathead” Newman who, with his wife, Karen, I am pleased to count among my friends, also.
With Don Byron at the Listel Hotel.
David and Karen with Spygirl, also a good friend of the Newmans and my companion for the evening, backstage at the Centre for Performing Arts before Fathead’s gig with the Tilden Webb Trio, seen in the next picture.
Jesse Cahill, Fathead, Jodi, and Tilden.
To do justice to the circumstances surrounding this photo would require a novel-length caption. For now, it’s Kate Roach and Harold Mabern at Kate’s apartment overlooking English Bay. My place, with a slightly less spectacular view, is just a few blocks from here. You can almost see my building near the top right. I’ve always loved Mabern’s playing but just how much I loved him wasn’t clear till I heard him live, and on Kate’s piano. And, man! Has he got some stories to tell.
Mabes with Amanda Tosoff. Watch out for Amanda . . . she knows how to play that piano!
Mike Allen and Donna Vidas. I don’t care if this photo didn’t work out. Pretend it’s Art. Mike’s one of the top tenor players in the world. Donna’s one of the top women. I love these people.
My gang at Sarah and Adam’s wedding. Man, that was a great party!
I love these people, too. Me and Barbara at her daughter Sarah’s wedding.
And another one for good luck.