Mitzi memorial

The memorial for Mitzi Gibbs will be was held at the Western Front. This photo was on the cover of the little memorial booklet. Don’t know the photographer.

Delaney Cowsill is the younger of Mitzi’s two boys, from her union with the late Billy Cowsill of the famed Cowsills family of popular music legend. He sang a few songs after the eulogies, tributes, and general outpouring of memories and love by just a few of Mitzi’s many friends.

I never took my camera out of the bag. For me it’s a choice, usually, of taking pictures or being there and I chose to be there. But Lenore asked me to take a picture of Del and this was the one and only picture I took.

Turns out she took one picture as well, the altar. I don’t know how close to her intention it turned out, but I think it’s beautiful. Looks like an angel in the upper left, watching or about to fly away:

Photo by Lenore Herb

More about Mitzi’s passing here and here and here.

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One Response to “Mitzi memorial”

  1. Red Brown

    Mitzi was so special. A great talent, hostess, friend and confident. I was so lucky to have met her when I first lived in Vancouver. She helped make it home for me. Met my lover at one of her parties and so many friends. It was amazing to be around when Billy and Mitzi’s son Delaney “Dazzling Del” was born.

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